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Before you start your bursary application review the following questions. Answer each question before proceeding to a bursary application.


  1. Have you reviewed the Bursary Frequently Asked Questions?

  2. Have you reviewed the Bursary Application Process Explained?

  3. Is the student applicant a Canadian resident?

  4. Has the student applicant been accepted to Landmark East School?

    • If yes, continue to the next question.

    • If no, you cannot apply for a bursary. A child must be accepted to a Landmark East School program before you can proceed with a bursary application. Contact our admissions team Click here.

  5. Has the enrollment contract been signed and returned to the school administrator?

    • If yes, continue to the next question.

    • If no, you can continue and submit a bursary application but no bursary will be awarded until the contract is signed and returned to the school administrator.

  6. Has the student applicant’s deposit been paid?

    • If yes, continue to the next question.

    • If no, you can continue and submit a bursary application but no bursary will be awarded until the non-refundable deposit is paid.

  7. Does the student applicant have outstanding arrears?

    • If no, continue to the next question.

    • If yes,  you can continue and submit a bursary application but no bursary will be awarded until outstanding arrears have been paid in full.

  8. Will the student applicant and student’s family/guardians participate in Landmark East School fundraising?

    • If yes, continue to the next question.

    • If no, you are not able to apply for a bursary unless the student applicant and student’s family/guardians agree to participate in school fundraising.  Review the Bursary Application Process Explained for more information.



You are ready to apply for a bursary. You must visit Apple Financial Sevices external website to complete your Bursary Application. If you are applying for a Nova Scotia resident student you must also apply for Nova Scotia Tuition Support and Supplement using the external website below.


Apple Financial Services


If this is your first time using Apple Financial Services’ website you will need to “Register”. If you are a returning user you can login and Apply for the 2024/2025 school year.


Apple Financial Services Help -


Nova Scotia Tuition Support (Nova Scotia Students Only)


If you are applying for a bursary for a Nova Scotia student you must also apply for the Nova Scotia Tuition Support and Supplement. This a requirement for Nova Scotia students to receive a bursary.


Look for the 2024/2025 application. If the application is not available yet, check back often.



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