Changing the lives of children
with learning differences since 1979!

Program Overview
Principles of Learning
Study Hall
Successful Me
Program Overview
For 40 years Landmark East School has been providing specific programming for day and boarding students with learning differences. We offer expert support to students with Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, ASD, general LD, and other learning differences. Our learning environment features a small student-teacher ratio.
The Elementary School Program (Grades 3 to 6) is a day program that addresses the needs of students who are having difficulty acquiring literacy skills. The program uses a multi-sensory approach to develop skills in oral and written expression, comprehension, study skills, mathematics, drama, music and art. A key feature of this program is our daily 1:1 language skills intensive support class. The typical class size is six students or less.

The Middle School Program (Grades 7 to 9) employs a multi-sensory approach to developing literacy, numeracy and study skills. The program offers an optional daily 1:1 intensive support class that optimizes the fundamental skills taught across the curriculum. The typical class size is six students or less. In addition to regular academic classes, students participate in a 90-minute physical education/activity program and a supervised 60-minute study hall class each day.
The High School Program (Grades 10 – 12) offers courses that fully meet the requirements of the Nova Scotia Department of Education Public School Program. Landmark East School provides an exceptional education experience that offers students the opportunity to develop their abilities, skills and self-confidence to become enthusiastic independent learners capable of transitioning successfully to post-secondary education. Average class size is typically eight students or less and teachers use adaptive strategies designed to meet individual needs. Graduates are awarded the Nova Scotia Department of Education High School Graduation Diploma. Most Landmark East graduates continue their post-secondary studies at college and university.

Principles of Learning

The Starting Place: When students first come to Landmark East School their performance level is determined. It is important for them to begin their program using material that is at a comfortable level so that they can experience the feeling of success; that is vital in the development of self-esteem.
Introducing New Material: When students are ready to move on to more difficult tasks, the teacher will take care to break the new material down into smaller components, introducing them one at a time to avoid overload.
Providing Formative Assessments: Teachers pace a student’s progress through individual programs and track each student's progress, making adjustments on a daily basis. The small class sizes allow teachers to monitor student understanding with timely feedback.
Making Use of Student Strengths: Students have a preferred channel for learning, such as auditory, visual or tactical. Students at Landmark East School are taught through their strengths.
Developing the Entire Student: The physical and artistic development of the student is recognized as being important for facilitating academic progress as well as promoting general well being. Students have the opportunity to choose from a variety of physical education activities as well as benefit from the art program.
Incorporating Structure: Structure and organization are evident in all aspects of the Landmark East school day. All students benefit from a supervised study hall but can be promoted to a less structured setting once they develop the skills needed to work more independently.
The SPARK Program is a comprehensive daily plan of cardio exercise and movement intended to help students prepare to learn, improve mood and attention, while lowering stress and anxiety. This exercise intervention was developed in direct association with Dr. John J. Ratey, clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the author of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. His work is based on new and exciting research on the effects of exercise and the brain. For more information visit JohnRatey.com

Study Hall
All Middle and High School students participate in Landmark East School's Study Hall Program at the end of each academic day. The objective of the Study Hall Program is to aid each student in acquiring efficient homework and study skills and to encourage each student to utilize these skills in order to gain greater independence and success in completing homework assignments.
The Study Hall Program is a multi-level program. As students demonstrate responsibility and success at each level, they are promoted to a new level which, in turn, fosters even greater independence and responsibility.
Level 1 – Closely Supervised Study Hall
Level 2 – Supervised Study Hall
Level 3 – Guided Study Hall
Level 4 – Independent Study Hall

Successful Me

The Successful Me Program is based on research that has shown that self-awareness, proactivity, perseverance, goal-setting, use of effective support systems and emotional coping strategies help lead individuals with learning differences to success. These daily specialized classes build understanding and skills that are further supported through other activities in the school. Focusing on strategies that foster the development of these critical attributes in youth will help students achieve greater success at school and in life. Students meet every day for a Successful Me class with a teacher advisor who provides academic, social and emotional support.