Changing the lives of children
with learning differences since 1979!

Landmark East School is dedicated to helping children with learning differences reach their potential and realize their dreams. Since 1979, we have helped over 1000 students and their families. Many of these young people have set goals, mastered skills and celebrated milestones they never believed possible, including post-secondary education: community college and university programs.
Landmark East School is committed to developing a progressive and stimulating learning environment. We continue to identify ways that curriculum, programs, facilities and the overall student experience can be improved. Building on our existing strengths and cultivating new opportunities helps us grow and flourish.

It breaks our hearts to turn away students whose families are unable to enrol because of funding. One of Landmark East School’s strategic priorities is to increase the size of the endowment fund. Every year, our endowment generates income used to provide tuition support and ensures that the Landmark East School education is within the reach of learning difference students with promise – not finding success in their current school.
By investing in the Student Bursary Fund you would be helping to reduce the economic barrier for families in need, which would allow more students the opportunity to access the individualized program offered at Landmark East School. For students with learning differences, nothing can replace an exceptional educational program focused on their particular needs. You will be giving these young people a very real chance to succeed in whatever they choose to do as adults.
Your donation is an investment in the future of this exceptional school – a school that helps hard-working students achieve their full potential. Please join our growing team of family members, alumni, teachers, staff, directors, trustees and community supporters who have made a commitment.
Landmark East School is a registered charity and as such issues tax receipts in accordance with the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines.
Canadian Donors: Download the Donor Response Form and make your donation to Landmark East School.
Our supporters in the United States can also donate to Landmark East School and receive a tax receipt through Friends of Independent Schools & Better Education (FRISBE).
US Donors: Download the FRISBE Donor Response Form.
If you would like more information about any of our giving opportunities, please contact: info@landmarkeast.org
Ways of Giving: How you can help
There are many ways to give to Landmark East School. Strategic charitable giving can help you save on taxes and at the same time support charities that are near and dear to your heart. Some donors chose to support during their lifetime, while others make provisions to support through planned giving and estate gifts.
Please consider which of the following financial commitments makes the most sense and works best for you.
Help us make a difference.
Donate to
Landmark East Foundation.
Gifts of Cash go to work right away to meet the fundraising priorities of the school and our students.
Cheques can be made payable to Landmark East School.
Credit Card Donations may be made – VISA and MasterCard and accepted.
e-Transfer your donation to donations@landmarkeast.org (foundation) or payments@landmarkeast.org (association).
Payroll Deduction is another way of giving that can be done automatically. Many Landmark East employees have made the school a giving priority and donate a portion of their pay on a biweekly basis. If you would like to make arrangements to do a biweekly or monthly payroll deduction, please contact our Business Manager at info@landmarkeast.org
Gifts in Honour is a way to acknowledge someone special in your life or celebrate an important occasion. Graduations, birthdays, weddings, Christmas and anniversaries are great opportunities to give back with a celebratory gift to Landmark East.
Memorial Gifts If you wish to remember a loved one with a memorial gift we would be pleased to send a notification card to the family on your behalf. Some alumni and friends also choose to name Landmark East School as the charity recipient of memorial donations. Combined with a bequest, this is a wonderful way to start a personal endowment and create a bursary fund to help future students.
Legacy / Planned Giving includes bequests, life insurance, etc. and is a decision to make a future gift through your financial and/or estate planning. Planned Gifts can help you achieve your tax and financial goals, in addition to fulfilling your philanthropic goals.
Bequests. Estate planning offers you the opportunity to make a meaningful and lasting gift to a cause you believe in. A well-planned gift can also provide attractive tax benefits. Your financial advisor can help you choose a vehicle that is right for you and your personal financial goals. When you are ready to proceed, please contact Landmark East School. We are here to provide the information you will need to ensure that your wishes are carried out as you have intended. We would also like to be able to express our appreciation to you personally for your commitment and support.
Annual Appeal
Major Gifts is one way of engaging the community generating corporate support - which is critical to our success in reaching annual campaign goals.
Our Fall Walkathon fosters a wonderful school spirit and engages our strongest volunteer base (students, parents, alumni, staff, teachers, board members, trustees and families). It is an annual tradition since 2003 and has grown into a very successful fundraiser with outstanding support from communities in the Annapolis Valley region, across Canada and around the world.
The Annual Golf Tournament began in 2010. This spring event brings together leaders in the Annapolis Valley business community to enjoy a day of golf and support the mission of Landmark East School.
Annual Direct Mail Appeal Approximately 1000 letters are sent out every spring to parents, alumni, board members and friends soliciting support for Landmark East School.
If you would like more information about any of our giving opportunities, please contact: info@landmarkeast.org