Changing the lives of children
with learning differences since 1979!

Landmark East Association - Governance
Landmark East School is maintained and operated by Landmark East Association, a non-profit Society registered under the Nova Scotia Societies Act. Landmark East Association is a registered charity, BN 11900 5015 RR 0001.
The Landmark East Association Board of Directors is comprised of alumni parents / grandparents and members of the business and educational community. Landmark East is most fortunate to be able to draw upon the expertise and guidance of our volunteer Board.
The school is a product of the faithful commitment of our Board of Directors, along with Dr. Charles Drake, who co-founded the school in 1979.
The Association Board of Directors is comprised of between 5 and 14 Governors, including one ex-officio member: the Head of School. Directors are elected or appointed in accordance with the Bylaws. The Association Board will determine from time to time how many Directors are to be elected or appointed.
A Meeting of the Minds

Landmark East Association
Board of Directors Application Form
Association Board Powers and Duties
A Meeting of the Minds

All Association Board members are unpaid volunteers who give generously of their time and resources in support of the school. Pursuant to the Societies Act the Governors must manage, or supervise the management of, the affairs of the Society. The Society’s Bylaws stipulate that Governors must govern the Society and provide the Association Board with the following specific powers:
hire and terminate the employment of the Head of the School as the Association Board may deem necessary or desirable from time to time;
oversee and approve the level of fees to be charged for tuition;
review and approve the annual budget for the School, as well as any proposed material changes to an approved budget; and
delegate to a senior manager of the Society or a committee of the Association Board such of the powers exercisable by the Association Board for such time and for such objects and purposes and upon such terms and conditions as they think fit and may from time to time revoke, withdraw, alter or vary any or all of such delegated powers.
The Association Board oversees the school but remains removed from day to day operations.
Board of Directors
Honorary Directors
Devon G. Adams
Ray Baltzer (Vice-Chair)
Greg Coldwell
Kevin Dickie
Erna Fraser (Chair)
Frank B. Hazel (Treasurer)
Mary F. Saunders
Cate Savage
Michael Vaughan
Honourable Jim Cowan, Q.C. – Senator (Retired), Law Firm Partner
John Edgecombe – Investment Dealer (Retired)
Ken Mounce – Company President (Retired)
Jim Sotvedt – Foreign Service Officer (Retired)
The Objects of the Society
To establish and carry on a school or schools to assist children and young adults with learning disabilities;
To establish and carry on educational and research programs on learning disabilities and related subjects;
To acquire by way of grant, gift, purchase, bequest, devise, or otherwise, real and personal property and to use and apply such property to the realization of the objects of the Society;
To buy, own, hold, lease, mortgage, sell and convey such real or personal property as may be necessary or desirable in the carrying out of the objects of the Society;
To make gifts, by way of settlement of a trust or otherwise, to one or more ‘registered charities’, as defined from time to time in the Income Tax Act (Canada), having objects that support the objects of the Society.